Labelled content
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Office - Mobile POS - Screengroup Designer (CE - Client Education Resource Center)
Office - Manage Employees - Manage Timekeeping (Mobile POS) (CE - Client Education Resource Center)
Office - Manage Employees - Clocking In-Out and Ending a shift (Mobile POS) (CE - Client Education Resource Center)
Office - Mobile POS Kiosk Mode - Member Check-In (CE - Client Education Resource Center)
Important Notification: October 2023 CMA/POS Update for Onsite Servers (CE - Client Education Resource Center)
Office - POS - CE Payments Card Present Transactions (Classic POS) (CE - Client Education Resource Center)
Office - POS - Setting Terminal Value (ETS) (CE - Client Education Resource Center)
Important Notification - Windows 10 Update to Version 1803 (CE - Client Education Resource Center)
Office - POS - Screen Group Designer (CE - Client Education Resource Center)